Research interview questions and participant quotes
1. Can you describe your current schedule and how you balance your responsibilities with personal recreation or social activities?
2. Why do you like or don't like to use social media?
- When you use social media, what is your motivation for doing so?
- How often do you use social media?
- Which apps do you use?
3. Why do your children like or don't like to use social media?
- When they use social media, what is their motivation for doing so?
- How often do they use social media?
- Which apps do they use?
4. If you enrolled as a student in a post-secondary program today, why or why wouldn't you want to connect with other students in your program?
5. If you were a student today, what would you value in a school community?
- What aspects of student/campus life would you want available to you?
6. What do you value in a school community for your children?
- What aspects of student/campus life do you want available to them?
7. Walk me through a time when you joined a student group (club, team, organization, online community), starting from when you made the decision to join.
- How did the experience with the group affect you after your involvement ended?
8. What challenges do or did you face when socializing with student peers (on or off campus)?
9. What challenges do or did your children face when socializing with student peers (on or off campus)?
10. Is there any way in which you feel these challenges could be or could have been resolved?
"Kids face a lot of scrutiny but may in different ways than we did. We only had it from our immediate peers, but they face it there and on the Internet, and your parents hold you to a standard. They have a lot of pressure to conform. Everybody's trying to tell you who you need to be and how you need to be, and you don't even have the opportunity to try to figure that out for yourself."
- Participant
"What is it that you want to get out of relationships and how do you define success in those relationships? Being able to self-identify would be really good...identifying themselves and their tendencies."
- Participant
"I want them to learn what it means to have a sense of community - not necessarily with each other but also with the people that they live near and the people that they don't think about, like the have a more worldly experience, an age-appropriate world experience."
- Participant
"When I moved to my new school and town, I felt that there was a lot more focus on how you were different and trying to remain separate than there was on saying how you were different and it didn't matter..."
- Participant
"Being helped if they need the help and being helpful if they can...just that integrity...if they could offer direct...more interactive groups...almost like community service with things of your interests and make them readily available."
- Participant
"My entire life, I always have questioned whether my opinions of something are worthy of comparing to others...some sort of internal worry that my opinion is not as important as other people's in the group..."
- Participant
"I wasn't the kid who came to school with new clothes...I tried to keep my school interactions as little as possible...I tried to appear pretty formidable but it was my own self-protection thing...I didn't do anything extracurricular because I started working as soon as I could because I wanted the [f***] out."
- Participant