
Are we more willing to talk than to listen?  Does it give us comfort to be an answer-giver, solutions-provider?  Or, do we gain more from sitting with a discomfort finding the beautiful neutrality of stillness?

How do we heal?

We can listen to someone else, past the different opinions and forms of expression, to make sense of their behaviors, and we can treat ourselves the same.  Are their decisions and our own driven by love or by fear?  How willing are we to sit with another at eye level and speak honestly about our current motivators, emotions, and barriers?  Is the discomfort that uncomfortable, or is it a short pathway, a thin wall, between the questions we ask ourselves and the questions we can ask another person?
We protect the stories that are shared here by speaking from an honest, come-as-you-are place and by recognizing that everyone’s story has equal value.  Focus on someone’s motivations when they speak and match each other’s level of vulnerability.
Sit, stand, read, write.  Converse, observe, and share.

There are no expectations for how long you stay.  In each interaction, you are encouraged to fill the moment or stretch it as long as it lasts and then to not dwell in the past or in any moment passing.  Explore the idea that we experience nonlinearly and that all behaviors are adjustable.

We are a web.

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(Re)humanization 2024 was supported by local donors in Fort Collins, Colorado. Thanks to their contributions, the public was able to utilize the space to unwind, engage with others' stories, and share their own testimonies in a comfortable environment.

Venue: Art Lab
Beverages: Northern Lights Coffee Roasters, Happy Lucky's Teahouse, Harbinger Coffee
Decor: Wonky & Co., Fossil Creek Nursery, and Bath Garden Center & Nursery